Pamela Webb Smith Horse Art
Pamela Webb Smith Horse Art


Beauty in Black and White

My Favorite Links Page

Contact the Artist

Welcome to the world of beautiful equine art.
Pamela Webb Smith has been a professional horse artist for over twenty-five years, and has devoted most of her life to the study of horses, including their anatomy, their motion, and of course, their very individual personalities.
This site will show current and past work, as well as her newest works.
Artwork is available for sale, also portraits are available by commission. Ms. Smith works either from photographs provided by the client, or, location permitting, can do the photography herself. It is essential to have good, clear photos for the best results.
Pearls of Great Price
The oil painting shown on this page, a perennial favorite at shows, portrays two Arabian mares of the desert. Pamela Webb Smith works in oils, pastels, and charcoal(neutral tones)

So, enjoy touring our 'gallery'! If you haven't been here for a while, check it out!
If you have any questions about the artwork, prices, or would just like to let us know what you think of the site, feel free to email.

Pamela Webb Smith accepts a very limited number of commissions per year, and will be accepting approximately three for the year 2008. Anyone considering having a portrait done should contact her as soon as possible.

If you have any suggestions on which paintings or drawings you would like to see used (on Gallery page), I would love to hear from you! Email me with your suggestions. Maybe some different breeds, or unusual poses?

Princess Rooney

One of my favorite sources of old horse movies, Turner Classic Movies!
Turner Classic Movies Turner Classic Movies - With more than 350movies a month featuring the biggest stars of alltime, Turner Classic Movies truly is Movie Heaven.