The Charcoal Portrait...Beauty in Black and White
Pamela Webb Smith Horse Art


Beauty in Black and White

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Contact the Artist

Charcoal Portraits are an inexpensive alternative to fully developed oil paintings oreven pastels. They are comparatively quick to complete and ship, yet are a dramatic and elegant addition to any collection.
You supply a good quality photo of the horse, (if in doubt, scan it and email so that I can decide if it is usable) and I will do a black charcoal pencil portrait on acid-free high quality art paper. It will be treated with a fixative to prevent smudging, and mailed in a protective shipping envelope. Delivery is usually six to eight weeks after receipt of photo.
Prices for charcoal portraits are very reasonable, starting at fifty dollars for a 5x7" head study. For more information, email the artist.


FERZON, pictured above done in 1976.
Pictures on this site may not be duplicated nor downloaded without permission of artist.