Artwork by Pamela Webb Smith
Pamela Webb Smith Horse Art


Beauty in Black and White

My Favorite Links Page

Contact the Artist

The 'Gallery'...
These are done in various media, from black and white charcoal drawings, pastel portraits, and fully executed oil paintings.
The breeds represented mostly Arabians and Throughbreds, however, the artist is well-versed in the conformation of all breeds.
All pictures on this page and the entire website are the property of the artist, and may not be reproduced nor downloaded in any way without her permission.

Brass, miniature in oils (5x7) Imagine a portrait like this of your horse!

'Arabian Foal', charcoal on colored paper
9x12", available for sale, matted

The great *Bask

Sunday Silence, great Thoroughbred

SCF El Sayed, Arabian stallion,
private collection

The wonderful Fadjur

Triple Crown winner Seattle Slew
The late, great Slew, who left us on May 7
We'll miss you, but what memories we have!
One of the most perfect horses I've ever seen.

Princess Rooney

Roberto, Epsom Darby winner and sire
Private collection

Exceller, Thoroughbred in oils
His tragic end woke up the industry to a serious problem.
(I would like feedback on making this painting available as a print...
what do you think? email me with your input)

Affirmed, 1978 Triple Crown winner
who sadly left us 1-12-01.
He gave horseracing one of it's greatest heroes, racing head to head with his rival, Alydar.

Alydar, Affirmed's great rival, and a great sire. He did not deserve the end he had,
but another who left us with great memories.

Danzig, great TB sire

Ferzon, great Arabian stallion in charcoal

Chestnut Arabian stallion in oils, private collection

Paseana, TB mare
8x10", oils on canvas, Available for sale

*Ibn Moniet El Nefous, pastels

Black-bay filly, oils

Little Current

Spectacular Bid, pastels
Private collection

'Three Kings', Nazeer & *Morafic/*Ansata Ibn Halima
Oils, private collection

Arabian Stallion
Private collection

Barbary, on very large canvas
Private collection

Cassaleria, racehorse who had one eye

Paints, commission, Private Collection

A Palomino Arabian, in pastels

Raja Baba, Thoroughbred stallion

'Wind'. commission, private collection

Chestnut arabian in meadow, oils on large canvas
Available for sale, email

A Champion Arabian-bred hunter


Let me know what you think...I enjoy hearing from horse lovers.
By the way, some of the photos have lines caused by my scanner.
I apologize for those, and hope it will be rectified soon.